Gadgets addiction at an early age

Gadgets addiction at an early age

Gadgets addiction at an early age

Are you also worried that your child is spending an unreasonable amount of time using smartphones or playing online games? If yes, then you are not alone! According to a recent study, around 47% of parents believe their child is addicted to smartphones. 52% of students are expected to serve extended amounts of time with their smartphones than playing outdoors with friends.

Parents are increasingly getting worried about their children’s surging addiction to gadgets across the globe. Countries including Korea, the United States, Indonesia etc have witnessed an alarming rate of gadget addiction at a very early age.

The global pandemic altered our lifestyle immensely and forced every business to shift to online platforms. The education sector was also vastly hit by COVID-19 and students were forced to adopt online classes. Virtual classes increased every child’s screen time immensely.

Let’s have a look at some tips to prevent addiction to gadgets in children.

  •     Limit the Use of TV

Make sure that your children do not use computers and mobile devices for more than an hour. It is crucial to keep in mind the total amount of screen time per day doesn’t exceed the age group recommendations. 

  •     Schedule an Appropriate Device Time

Try to engage your child in some fun activities that do not involve any gadget use. Playing different games can keep them distracted from gadgets.

  •     Increase tech-free times

Avoid putting TV and electronic gadgets in your child’s bedroom. After they are done using these gadgets make sure you put them far from their sight.

  •     Importance of Moderation

From a very early age, teach your child the importance of moderation. Try to appreciate your child when she/he restrains from using electronic devices and abide by the rules you set for them.

  •     Encourage Going Outdoors

Playing outdoors promotes children's physical health, development, and happiness. It’s fun too. You can give your child the chance to explore and experience the natural world by playing outside with them. If you don't have a yard, visiting a park, oval, or playground is an easy and low-cost option. Besides having more room for running around, your child might meet other children to play with there.

  •     Start Activity-Based Learning

Before gadgets came into play, there were traditional games that helped to enhance children’s skills. For example, chess is known to enhance IQ levels, problem-solving skills, and concentration among children. You can teach such intellectual games to your children and bring back the essence of cognitive development through non-digital channels.

Summing Up!

After the emergence of handheld tech devices for children, parents and caregivers must be prepared to notify clear boundaries with regard to the use of technology. With the advent of digitalization, it is very common to witness a child with a smartphone or a toddler with a tab in her hands. It might look adorable at first but can rapidly become a concerning sight if not taken care of. 

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