What to expect when the baby comes-Herby Angel – herbyangel.com
What To Expect When the Baby Comes?

What To Expect When the Baby Comes?

What To Expect When the Baby Comes?

It is truly said that the mother is born with the baby! Right from the moment your baby is born, your life takes a turn, and everything changes dramatically. Soon you will be able to observe every single moment of your life revolving around your little one. Everything from your food habits to your body to your routine goes through some tough changes. But the best part is, as a new mom, every woman adapts to these changes swiftly.


What to Expect?

When the baby is born, there are many things to look forward to. Other than the endless number of physical, mental, and routine changes that we'll discuss later in this blog, you can expect a lot more things. A lot more challenges, a roller coaster of emotions, and many other things await you on the other side. 


  1. Changes 

What changes can we expect? The answer to this question is everything. You should expect everything to change once the baby comes into this world. There is a possibility that some things might not change, but most of them surely will. We can categorize the changes that you can expect after the baby comes. 


  •   Physical Changes

Your body undergoes numerous changes during pregnancy and postpartum as well. You might become conscious of the changes taking place postpartum due to breastfeeding and many more reasons. You might also notice a lot of hair fall and weakness. Ayurveda gives you a proper regime to deal with these changes, cope with the postpartum, and have good energy and health throughout.


  •   Emotional Changes

Since the hormonal level of your body faces a lot of changes while being pregnant and also during postpartum, you can expect a lot of emotional ups and downs during this phase. Self-doubt, negative thoughts, and uncertainty are the things that will be just one shot away. All you need to do is focus on your baby and yourself. Creating a peaceful and positive environment is what Ayurveda suggests for being in the best of mental health. 


  •   Changes in your daily routine 

This is the most obvious change that everyone notices, no matter how much you schedule your things. This is because there might not be any certainty in the baby's schedule, and you need to adjust. 

Responsibilities like regular check-ups for both you and your baby and vaccinations are there. So, you might have to schedule accordingly.


  •   Change your thought process 

As soon as you become a mother, hold your baby in your hands everything in your head just goes around the baby. Your way of taking things and also reacting to the changes. You can expect subtlety in your behavior and an increase in your patience level.


  1. Postpartum Pain

You might feel pain even after delivering the baby. After the baby is born, the uterus begins to shrink back to its normal size, causing stomach cramps. The uterus doesn't shrink right after the baby is delivered, but it takes around six weeks to get back to its normal size. 


  1. Lack of energy

Once you deliver the baby, you might feel very tired and low on energy for the first few weeks. This is because the body goes through heavy blood loss during labour and during the process of delivering the baby. Also, you might notice vaginal discharge after giving birth. This also leads your body towards weakness, which might make you feel tired now and then. Taking appropriate nutrition in the form of dry fruits, herbs, etc, and keeping yourself hydrated can get you through this phase. Apart from these changes, you might also notice differences in the behaviour of people around you. There's nothing that stays the same! 


  1. Attention

During your pregnancy, you become the center of attraction. For the whole nine months, everyone is just around you and everything happens the way you want it. 

But as the baby comes, he/ she becomes the center of attraction. There's nothing like people would side-line you but the fact that they will be more engaged with the baby. You should be prepared for it and not feel anything negative about it. 

You'll even enjoy a great time postpartum when your family or friends will get you healthy things to eat, and your schedule and choices will be taken care of as well. 



These were some changes you can expect to see in yourself and the people around you postpartum. But the best thing, which is over and above, is the joy you'll feel at the time of holding your baby.

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